Nanna+team’s work has been absolutely stellar and will therefore now be integrated into the broader visual identity repository for APM terminals. Her work has also been used to facilitate strategic level change management discussions including with APMM CEO. I can only give Nanna my very best recommendations. She is excellent at what she does – she is super fast at grasping different business context (from executive- to frontline employee level), she quickly turns around first drafts of materials for further refinement, she can engage with senior- and junior client stakeholders alike, and she is an awesome problem solver who is pragmatic in her approach.
– Jonas Bengtson, Senior Director, Maersk
Nanna was brilliant facilitating an all staff virtual 2-day interactive meeting for us in August 2020. This was during the corona limitations and new techology our staff were getting used to. She was inspiring, creative, and calm— also challenging our team when we needed it. The experience was well-received by all 250 participants and 25 facilitators and faculty. On top of that, she was fun!
– Michelle Ellefson, Head of strategy and operations, Novo Nordisk
Nanna kan overskue det komplekse i argumentationer, og derefter videreformidle det så præcist, at alle i en diskussion forstår det. Det skaber et fællesgrundlag i diskussioner, hvilket er alfa omega, hvis en proces skal bevæge sig (hurtigt) frem.
Nannas illustrationer er selvfølgelig et redskab, og de er gode, men det væsentlige er hendes evne til at forstå og sætte sig ind i budskaber. Der er hun i en klasse for sig!
– Frederik Waitz Søborg, COO, Green Building Council Denmark
I love working with complex issues such as human behavior, cultural diversity and organisational learning. I often ask my self: ”How do we help our self and each other to face a future that we don’t know with curiosity and courage?
In my work I’m helping groups or organisations to discover the problem behind the problem, dream of visionary results, develop innovative opportunities and implement sustainable solutions.
In 2009 I graduated form Kaospilots and have since then been self employed. I’m trained as a systemic facilitator and dynamic project leader and have since specialized in hosting and designing participatory processes and doing strategic documentation of the work.

Nanna Frank
E: nanna@nannafrank.com
T: +45 29912143
T: +46 739653243